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Stretch Mark & Camouflage Tattoo


Camouflage tattoo is a permanent tattoo procedure designed to camouflage or cover various skin imperfections. The process consists of tattooing ink pigments similar to the client's natural skin tone into the skin, in order to mimic the client's healthy skin. Once healed, the skin-toned tattoo will match the client’s skin tone, appearing to resurface the skin, and making the imperfection virtually disappear!

Camouflage does not change the texture of the skin or the stretch mark-it improves the appearance of the skin by improving the color contrast between the skin and the client's concern, making their flaws virtually invisible. The results are permanent, low maintenance, and life-changing.


This treatment is perfect for all skin tones and all ethnicities, with results improving with time.

Consultation Required Prior to Booking


Q: Is this permanent tattooing?

A: Unlike other cosmetic tattoos which use semi-permanent ink, the ink used is those used in traditional tattoos. Once desired coverage, results can last anywhere from 5+ years without ever needing a touchup


Q: How many sessions will I need?

A:  Every client is different, and so is their skin and how it responds to the treatment. Since the scar is dead tissue, the skin is more delicate and may require multiple sessions to achieve optimal results. Most clients need at least 2-3 sessions.


Q: Can this be done on all stretch marks?

A: No, the procedure should be done only on stabilized stretch marks. In most cases, stretch marks that are in their final stages of scar formation are at least 2 years old and colorless(lighter than surrounding healthy skin)


Q: Does this hurt? Do you use numbing products?

A: Numbing creams are not recommended in this procedure since they alter the color of the skin, making it more difficult to see the scar for proper pigment implantation. In general, because the same needle is used throughout,  clients are capable of tolerating the procedure and describe the procedure and describe the “pain” as more of discomfort.


Q: How long does it take to heal?

A: Each client’s healing time varies due to many factors: age, diet, skin tone, elasticity, sun exposure, following aftercare, etc.  On average, it takes 60 to 90 days but often takes longer for clients who are prone to hyperpigmentation. Healing takes time, but THE RESULTS ARE WORTH IT!!


Q: Who is a candidate?

A: Anyone who seeks to improve the aesthetic of their stretch marks. This technique is suitable for both men and women, and results are similar for both genders.


Q: How long does the procedure take?

A: The longest portion of the procedure is matching the client’s skin tone. In general, the procedure is performed in 2-3 sessions, at approximately 2-3 hours per area.


Q: What if I gain or lose weight?

A: Changes in weight can affect the appearance of the tattoo, and the recommendation is to get the procedure when your weight has stabilized. If subsequent changes happen after the procedure is complete, retouching the area is an option.

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